The editors

Denton Callander

Denton Callander, PhD, is a social epidemiologist and a Senior Research Fellow with the Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales. For over a decade he has studied sexual racism, with a focus on the effects on sexual health and well-being.


Pani Farvid

Pani Farvid, PhD, is a critical applied and social psychologist who works as an Assistant Professor with The New School. Her research investigates the empirical and theoretical underpinnings of sexuality, technology, and social justice.


Amir Baradaran

Amir Baradaran, MA, is an artist, technologist and scholar. As founder of a technology start-up company and lecturer with Columbia University, his work focuses on decolonization, equity, non-linear storytelling, and social justice in the context of artificial intelligence and augmented reality.



Thomas Vance

Thomas Vance, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and intersectional scholar specializing in the health and well-being of people of color and sexual and gender minority groups. In addition to his practice and research, he is Director of Implementation Social Services with the Boys and Girls Club of America.